Symposium FK
Thermoelectrics: Materials Research and Application Technologies

Andrei KOVALEVSKY, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Lidong CHEN, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, CAS, China
Xavier CRISPIN, Linköping University, Sweden
Franck GASCOIN, Lab. CRISMAT, France
Juri GRIN, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany
Bo B. IVERSEN, Aarhus University, Denmark
Woochul KIM, Yonsei University, South Korea
Holger KLEINKE, University of Waterloo, Canada
Jan KÖNIG, Fraunhofer IPM, Germany
Bertrand LENOIR, Institut Jean Lamour, France
Chia-Jyi LIU, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan
Ole M. LOVVIK, University of Oslo, Norway
Yuzuru MIYAZAKI, Tohoku University, Japan
Takao MORI, NIMS - MANA, Japan
Dario NARDUCCI, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
George S. NOLAS, University of South Florida, USA
Sascha POPULOH, ABB Switzerland Ltd., Switzerland
Anthony POWELL, University of Reading, UK
Ichiro TERASAKI, Nagoya University, Japan
Janusz TOBOLA, AGH University of Science & Technology, Poland
Daniele Maria TRUCCHI, CNR - ISM, Italy
Jeffrey URBAN, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., USA
Tiejun ZHU, Zhejiang University, China
Alessandro BELLUCCI, CNR-ISM, Italy
Christophe CANDOLFI, CNRS-Université de Lorraine, France
Laurent CHAPUT, University of Lorraine, France
In CHUNG, Seoul National University, South Korea
Marco FORNARI, Central Michigan University, USA
Chunlei GUO, University of Rochester, USA
Sylvie HEBERT, Laboratoire CRISMAT, France
Woochul KIM, Yonsei University, South Korea
Andrei V. KOVALEVSKY, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Bertrand LENOIR, Institute Jean Lamour, France
Claudio MELIS, University of Cagliari, Italy
Alex MORATA, IREC, Spain
Yu-Chih TSENG, Natural Resources of Canada, Canada
Paz VAQUEIRO, University of Reading, UK
Bartłomiej WIENDLOCHA, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Wenjie XIE, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
Mona ZEBARJADI, University of Virginia, USA
This symposium, which follows a series of previous editions at CIMTEC, is focusing on research and development issues critical to the advancement of solid-state thermoelectric conversion technologies and their infusion into a significantly wider range of applications.
Since the mid 1980’s, significant research efforts have been devoted to the discovery, characterization and optimization of advanced thermoelectric materials. In spite of significant gains in the peak dimensionless thermoelectric figure of merit, ZT, when it comes to practical applications, it has proven extremely challenging to displace materials discovered in the 1950’s and 1960’s, namely Bi2Te3 and its alloys, PbTe and its alloys, and Si-Ge alloys. Bi2Te3 alloys remain the only commercial-scale thermoelectric material that is used today for thermal management and low grade waste heat power applications. For power generation, there are several reasons for this situation, but the main one being that a novel high performance thermoelectric material is but step one of a lengthy technology development lifecycle that must be successfully completed for enabling infusion into applications. For thermoelectric cooling, the main challenge has been to achieve significantly better performance than the state-of-the-art Bi2Te3 technology.

The symposium will be organized along three main thrusts: 1) Theoretical and experimental thermoelectric transport and materials research, including big data approaches for new materials discovery; 2)  Solid-state thermal-to-electric and direct energy conversion device research and modeling, including bulk materials and thin-film device architectures; 3) Converter technology research, development and infusion, including design, modeling, characterization, advanced processing and extended performance testing of device materials, elements, interfaces, and application-scale systems.
Session Topics

FK-1 Thermoelectric Materials Research & Characterization

  • Theory and modeling
  • Materials discovery
  • Bulk inorganic materials, including nanostructures and composites
  • Organic and polymeric materials
  • Low dimensional materials
  • Nanostructures and nanocomposites
  • Mechanical properties

FK-2 Solid-State Device Research and Modeling

  • Energy conversion mechanisms
  • Thermoelectric device design & architectures
  • Direct Energy Conversion
  • Device modeling and simulation

FK-3 Converter Technologies and Applications

  • Terrestrial and space applications opportunities
  • Technology needs and priorities
  • Advanced manufacturing and rapid prototyping approaches
  • Device, converter technology development and infusion demonstrations
  • Converter and system modeling and simulation
  • Metrology and standardization


Cimtec 2022

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